French videos Playlists

French verb tenses

In this series of #French_tenses, I explain them in an easy way with examples to show how each tense is conjugated and used with a variety of verbs in authentic contexts.

How to use French verbs with examples

These videos explain how to use French verbs in different tenses. Each video provides explanations and many examples that will help you master the art of conjugation.

The most important French verbs

Do you want to learn how to conjugate the most widely used French verbs? You’re in the right place! These short videos are great for easy learning of verb conjugation in different tenses. Here you will find #verbs like #avoir #être #faire #comprendre and much more… Just follow along, listen and practice, it’s as simple as that!

French Vocabulary

These are short videos for easy learning of French vocabulary (words and expressions in context).

French phrasebook

These are videos to learn French phrases. The full list will make a complete French phrasebook that can come handy for traveling to French-speaking countries.