Author: Summerlanguages

Why You Should Consider Learning Egyptian Arabic Without MSA

If you’re interested in learning Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), that’s a completely valid path. MSA is the formal, standardized version of Arabic and is used in writing, formal speeches, and media across the Arabic-speaking region. However, if your primary goal is to learn the Egyptian dialect—also known as Modern Egyptian Arabic—you don’t necessarily need to go through MSA first. You can find everything you need within Egyptian Arabic courses, many of which are specifically designed for students who want to focus on this vibrant and widely understood dialect from the get-go.

What is Anglicism and Why Should You Avoid It as a French Language Learner?

Learners often fall into using anglicisms due to the similarities between English and French, whether these similarities are real or perceived. It’s an easy way to speak French and seems to work most of the time. It doesn’t appear to hinder communication much, especially since francophones themselves use anglicisms quite a lot. Watch a Quebecois movie or talk to a Montrealer, and you’ll encounter many words that are either borrowed from English or made to look like English but sound French.

Bilingual Short Stories: French-English for A1-A2 Learners – Behind the Scenes

These stories are not only enjoyable but also diverse, spanning mystery, everyday life, and even fantasy. Crafting engaging tales at a beginner’s level is no easy feat, but it’s a challenge I embrace with enthusiasm. It requires a deep understanding of the needs and capabilities of beginners.

Mastering Arabic Speaking Through Comprehension and Immersion

One challenge of speaking a target language is being able to respond effectively to your conversation partner. Speaking might feel relatively easy as you draw upon your knowledge and pronunciation skills, but when your interlocutor replies, speaking quickly and perhaps more fluently than you, it becomes crucial to understand and…